Forecasting is great way to see how much money you'll have left at any given time. With BudgetTracker we try to make this both easy and comprehensive. When you setup your Bills and Income, BudgetTracker will forecast your Income by showing you a transaction registry of what it will look like once those items are paid. This allows you to make adjustments at any given day of the month to make sure you always maintain a positive balance and build up a savings. In addition to a forecast view of your registry, you'll also see a graph that gives you a visual representation of what your forecast will look like. Below are the features offered by the Forecast page:
- Transaction Registry view of your forecasted transactions
- Graph view of your forecast
- Ability to modify the date range of your forecast
- Bills and Income automatically entered into the forecast for you.
In addition to forecast, you also have the ability to view an amortization schedule of your Credit Cards or Bills so you can determine when that item will get paid off with the interest added in each month.