In addition to being able to enter your data into the BudgetTracker system, you can view most of your data with the charts and graphs we provide to make it easier to see where your money is going and forecasting your future spending/saving. Below are a few of the graphs we currently offer.
- Net Highs & Lows - This allows you to see your high and low points of your transaction balance during the month for any given account.
- Budget vs Spent - This will chart how much you've spent against how much you've budgeted for during the month.
- Accounts - A visual representation of how much is left in each account.
- By Payee - This allows you to filter the graph by payee to see how much your spending on a Payee level.
- Category drill down - This allows you to click on the graph to drill down further into the chart to your see your balances starting off at main category -> sub-category -> payees -> transactions -> edit individual transactions.